Full works of Swami Vivekananda.
Contains all 9 volumes of Works of Swami Vivekananda and Unpublished Volume for easy mobile reading.
Read in both Day and Night Modes
Long Press on the Content and Quotes to Share it to your friends.
NOTE: Those facing issues with changing font size in the app please set your font size to default in the accessibility settings
Obras completas de Swami Vivekananda.
Contiene los 9 volúmenes de Obras de Swami Vivekananda y Volumen no publicado para facilitar la lectura móvil.
Leer en modo día y noche
Mantenga pulsado el contenido y las citas para compartirlo con sus amigos.
NOTA: los problemas enfrentados con el cambio de tamaño de fuente en la aplicación, por favor, establezca su tamaño de fuente predeterminado en la configuración de accesibilidad
Full works of Swami Vivekananda.
Contains all 9 volumes of Works of Swami Vivekananda and Unpublished Volume for easy mobile reading.
Read in both Day and Night Modes
Long Press on the Content and Quotes to Share it to your friends.
NOTE: Those facing issues with changing font size in the app please set your font size to default in the accessibility settings